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3 Rules of Thumb to Help Your Sick Doggy

Advanced veterinary care

It can be pretty nerve-wracking to think that your dog might be sick, especially when you don’t know what to do. Luckily, there are some rules of thumb you can use to get your pup the help it needs. Here are just a few of the best ones.

When It Doubt, Call. If you aren’t sure whether or not your dog is sick, it’s best to call your veterinary care center. The veterinarian technicians at the pet wellness center will listen to the symptoms, and can offer some advice. You may not have to worry, or keep an eye on them, or bring them. Either way, it’s always nice to know. After all, you don’t want to bring them in to the veterinary care center and get a big bill for nothing, but you also don’t want to pretend like there’s not something wrong, either.

Ward Off Fleas With Citrus. If your dog is restless, scratching often, licking or chewing parts of its body more than normal, then there’s a chance it may have fleas. To ward these blood sucking parasites away, try using a simple solution of lemon water. Fleas hate citrus, so give your dog a spritz if it’s getting itchy, and hopefully the fleas will abandon ship.

Sports Drinks Can Help a Sick Stomach. If your little guy is having a tough bout of diarrhea or vomiting, sports drinks or pediatrics drinks can help rehydrate them, replacing the much needed fluids in their bodies. Before you give your champ a bottle of Gatorade, be sure to ask your veterinary care center how much they can have.

If your dog is sick, relax. Just call your veterinary care center to find out whether they need to come in. If they have fleas, use lemon water. If they have a sick stomach, give them some sports drink. It’s that easy.

If you have any pet health questions about these rules of thumb, feel free to ask in the comments.

Three Pieces of Scientific Proof That Dog Owners Are More Physically Active

Australian labradoodle breeders

Owning black labradoodle puppies can not only make you happier, but healthier, too! Several different pieces of research have found that dog owners tend to be more physically active than their peers for several different reasons. Here are just a few such studies that show the health benefits of owning a dog.

Dog Owners Are More Likely to Hit Their Fitness Goals.

According to a study from the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, dog owners are more likely to hit whatever fitness goals they may have than non-dog owning people. Michigan State researchers found that dog owners were 34% more likely to get 150 minutes of exercise per week than people who don’t own dogs, which makes perfect sense since dogs need to be walked. People who own black labradoodle puppies, in particular, are also quite likely to get even more exercise, as these dogs tend to need more play and activity.

Dog Owners Get Better Exercise.

According to a study from the University of Missouri, walking puppies leads to a 28% increase in walking speed, while walking with humans leads to a 4% increase in walking speed. In other words, walking with black labradoodle puppies gives owners better quality exercise than walking alone or with another person.

Dog Owners Get More Exercise in General.

According to a study from the University of Virginia, teens who come from dog owning families are more physically active than their non-dog owning peers. In other words, families who own dogs like black labradoodle puppies are statistically more likely to get exercise, so even if you and yours don’t have lofty fitness goals, having black labradoodle puppies in the family will help you get the extra bit of exercise you need to be healthy.

As if you needed another reason to look at the Australian labradoodle puppies for sale, these furry little guys can help make you a more active person, putting you on the path to personal wellness.

If you have any questions about how chocolate labradoodle puppies can make your more physically fit, feel free to share in the comments.

Four “Facts” About Your Pets That Are Actually Myths

Greensboro veterinary

Picture an adorable little kitten lapping up a dish of milk, and then forget it forever. The “fact” that cats love milk is actually a myth. Felines — and canines, too — don’t have the ability to break down dairy’s lactose. Giving milk to pets could actually lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or other issues.

Believe it or not, that’s not the only myth out there concerning your pet’s health. If you’d like to avoid a trip to the veterinary care center (and would like to avoid vets and veterinarian technicians’ bills), then forget these “facts.”

If a Dog’s Nose Is Warm, It’s Sick.

The best way to tell if a dog has to go to the pet wellness center is to observe its behavior. If it’s acting off, then chances are something’s wrong. By that logic, if a dog’s nose, which is typically cold and wet, is warm and dry, it needs to go to the veterinary care center. While that might make sense, it’s not actually true. All a warm nose indicates is that the dog’s nose is warm. It’s their behaviors and habits that need watching.

A Purring Cat Is a Happy Cat.

Although cats do purr when they’re happy, they also purr when they’re sick, stressed, injured, or frightened. Cats will even purr as they’re dying. All purring is is an expression of a strong emotion, which does not have to be joy. It’s the feline equivalent of humming or groaning. Though you won’t need to rush your kitty to the veterinary care center every time it purrs, it could be a sign that something might be up.

Dogs Don’t Need Their Teeth Brushed.

Though some might think it’s silly to brush a dogs teeth, it’s actually a very necessary part of their hygiene, as it prevents oral diseases. Though it might be tricky to brush a dog’s teeth, it needs to be done. If you have trouble taking care of it, many veterinary care centers offer this service.

Who would have thought that giving cats milk would give them bowel problems? Or that dogs with warm noses don’t need to go to advanced veterinary care centers? Or that purring cats actually might have to go to veterinary care center? The more you know!

If you have any other weird pet heath myths, feel free to share in the comments. Refernce materials.