Keeping Your Furry Friend Healthy Keeps You Happy

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If you ask anyone with a pet how important their pet is to them, there’s a very high likelihood that they will tell you they don’t just own a pet that sometimes entertains them. Pets very quickly become family members. They are the next most important thing after the actual human members of the family. Knowing where to find urgent pet care in order to keep pets in peak health and physical condition is a top priority for pet parents. Finding a convenient veterinarian for regular veterinary services and checkups is necessary if you want your pet to live as long as possible.

Why know about urgent pet care?
Aside from the emergencies or accidents requiring urgent pet care that could happen at any time, such as getting hit by a car or ingesting chocolate or something non-edible, there are procedures and vaccinations that pet parents should ensure that their pets have been through, especially if your pet is very young. Pets should be spayed or neutered, and not just as a preventative measure against unwanted litters. Neutering your male pet, if done while the male dog or cat is six months old or younger, can prevent testicular cancer as well. And spaying a female cat or dog can help prevent uterine infections as well as breast cancer, a condition that ends fatally for around 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. Older pets need regular checkups too, as veterinarians advise that adult animals should have one every year if they are between the ages of one to about 10 years old. Sadly, many people don’t realize how important these types of visits are, as evidenced by the 18.7% of pet owners who didn’t take their dogs to see a veterinarian in 2011.

Benefits of healthy pets
When your pet is healthy and happy, it improves your chances of being happy and healthy. Keeping up with a pet often keeps people more in shape, and having a pet at a young age improves a child’s chance of not developing pet-related allergies. People also often see pets as consistent and loyal companions, dispelling depression and loneliness. Having a healthy pet also just might find you your special someone. About six of every 10 men feel that a lot can be said about their date’s personality based on their choice in pets. And around 35% of women have admitted to being more attracted to someone after finding out about their pet.

Fido or Spot or Mittens will always have a special place in your heart. Make sure that you make the most of the time that you have with your furry friend by keeping them healthy and staying in touch with a veterinarian who you trust.

Virtual Veterinarians What You Should Know

Veterinary telemedicine

Veterinarians have a lot of responsibilities on their hands. Vets across the country treat the pets Americans raise and love. In 2012, more than 164 million American households owned at least one pet, including 83 million dogs and 96 million cats. Not only do Americans own many pets, they spend quite a lot on them (something most vets would agree with). The American Pet Products Association found that every year, Americans spend close to $50 billion on pet supplies, including food, litter, leashes, grooming tools, and toys. Needless to say, our furry critters are (for the most part) well groomed and provided for in the United States.

Vets have a lot to deal with on a day-to-day basis. They have many stories of when a pet ate chocolate, for example, or a piece of plastic. When a dog injures his leg after running too fast or when a cat swatted at something with way too much intensity! Still, pet owners are busy too, and may not have enough time to take their pets to the vet as often as they should. It is recommended that pets younger than eight years old should go to the vet at least once a year and pets older than that should go at least twice. That, however, is easier said than done.

Thankfully, new technology is making veterinary care more accessible than ever. Online veterinary services offer pet owners with a chance to treat their pets without having to go to a vet’s office. Online veterinarian services offer professional veterinary care from the comfort of one’s home. By using webcams or the telephone, vets can examine and even diagnose pets. Virtual veterinarian services makes going to the vet easy, convenient, and safe.

When your pet ate chocolate or injured itself, you know just how important it is to see a vet. Now, with modern Internet capabilities, you can do so without ever leaving your home.

3 Rules of Thumb to Help Your Sick Doggy

Advanced veterinary care

It can be pretty nerve-wracking to think that your dog might be sick, especially when you don’t know what to do. Luckily, there are some rules of thumb you can use to get your pup the help it needs. Here are just a few of the best ones.

When It Doubt, Call. If you aren’t sure whether or not your dog is sick, it’s best to call your veterinary care center. The veterinarian technicians at the pet wellness center will listen to the symptoms, and can offer some advice. You may not have to worry, or keep an eye on them, or bring them. Either way, it’s always nice to know. After all, you don’t want to bring them in to the veterinary care center and get a big bill for nothing, but you also don’t want to pretend like there’s not something wrong, either.

Ward Off Fleas With Citrus. If your dog is restless, scratching often, licking or chewing parts of its body more than normal, then there’s a chance it may have fleas. To ward these blood sucking parasites away, try using a simple solution of lemon water. Fleas hate citrus, so give your dog a spritz if it’s getting itchy, and hopefully the fleas will abandon ship.

Sports Drinks Can Help a Sick Stomach. If your little guy is having a tough bout of diarrhea or vomiting, sports drinks or pediatrics drinks can help rehydrate them, replacing the much needed fluids in their bodies. Before you give your champ a bottle of Gatorade, be sure to ask your veterinary care center how much they can have.

If your dog is sick, relax. Just call your veterinary care center to find out whether they need to come in. If they have fleas, use lemon water. If they have a sick stomach, give them some sports drink. It’s that easy.

If you have any pet health questions about these rules of thumb, feel free to ask in the comments.