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Three Tips for Your Veterinary Social Media Presence

Dog vet lambertville, nj

We all know that these days, every business needs to have an online presence as one of their marketing strategies. Once your vet clinic has a professional website, you should start branching out and implementing different veterinary marketing ideas that are out there. One of the most effective (and most fun) ways to connect to your customer base and encourage its growth is to use social media. Here are three tips for doing it.

Use the right ones
There are a number of social media sites out there, and while you can be a member of more than one, you should limit your membership to only the ones that you can handle. Check out a few of the most popular ones — like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest — and see what their features are and how you’ll be connecting with your clients. Choose the ones you understand how to use and that offer the type of social media platform you can effectively work with.

Engage your audience
When you’ve chosen a few different social media sites to join, you need to make sure that you’re using them well and engaging with your clients. Post interesting content and things that your clients are going to want to click on and share (a wealth of cute animal videos comes to mind). If it isn’t interesting, people won’t care. Post different types of media like articles, videos, and pictures to mix things up.

Be careful
This is probably the most important tip on this list, and it bears repeating. Be careful. One typo or grammar mistake could spell disaster and quickly alienate or offend a lot of people at once, and very quickly. A common faux pas these days is not finding out what a trending hashtag is about before using it — like the Digiorno and the hashtag that referred to domestic violence debacle.

Do you have any other veterinary marketing tips or tricks for social media? Let us know in the comments. Find out more at this site.

The Importance of Tagging Your Animal Compation

Pet tags engraved

Anyone who has had a lost pet knows the pain, heartache, and sense of helplessness while your pet is away. The sense of loss, in addition to the fear that your pet is injured is indescribable. Americans truly love their animal companions, as such, it is important to do whatever is necessary to support and ensure you pet’s health, happiness, and safety.

Aside from regular veterinary visits and check ups, it is important to make sure your animal companions have proper identification, and are wearing pet tags at all times. This safeguards your pet in the event they are lost, and significantly increases the likelihood they will be able to be returned to you safely. Aside from the standard cat tags dog id tags, microchip RFID tags are highly recommended.

Information included on traditional pet tags include your animal companion’s name, your name, phone number, and city and state of residence. It is essential to use a phone number where you can easily be reached, such as a cell phone number. Though it is possible to include an address, there may not be enough room on the tag with the other information. Additionally, some people may not feel completely comfortable including their personal address on their animal companion’s tag, and may opt out of doing so. However, the other information should suffice.

If your pet has an RFID or microchip tag, this should include the manufacturer’s name and phone number. Having an RFID tag in addition to a traditional tag further increases the chances of your pet being located and returned to safety in the event they are lost. Additionally, it is a good idea to have your pet wear their proof of vaccination, letting whomever finds them know they are current on their vaccinations.

Pet tags can also be decorative and fun! Unique pet tags come in a variety of materials and colors, such as brass pet tags or reflective materials. Pet ID tags are extremely customizable, and can be designed to suit your pet’s personality and “fashion” sense, by complimenting their fur.

Investing in a pet tag is a necessary and worthwhile investment. The peace of mind is priceless! More information like this:

Common Pet Health Questions

Pet injury advice

An estimated 32.4% of home owners have cats, while about 37.2% have dogs. But no matter what type of furry friend you have, you want to make sure that they are healthy and happy — and that all starts with taking them to a veterinary care center and asking lots of pet health questions.

Below are a list of pet health questions you should be asking your veterinarian technician at your next visit.

  1. What food is most healthy? Look for the main brand names of pet food — those are your safest bet. Dry food generally has more wholesome ingredients, but wet food is also a favorite among pets. Be sure to read the ingredients and look for any added coloring, flavors, or chemical preservatives. They should be certified by the Association of American Feed Control Officials.
  2. How much should I feed my pet? A common question among pet health questions, many Americans are surprised when their pets have put on weight and often can’t say no to begging. Each pet is different, so talk to your vet during a wellness exam to figure out exactly how much you should feed them.
  3. What is a wellness exam? This is an annual checkup for pets (like you would have an annual physical). Your vet will check their teeth, hair, ears, eyes, etc. This exam is to make sure your pet is growing healthy and remains strong.
  4. Is my pet overweight? A common concern, and therefore a common question. Dogs and cats under the age of 10 should visit a vet annually, while those over 10 should visit a vet every six months. These visits will ensure that your pet maintains a health weight because they will be appropriately monitored.
  5. What vaccinations should my pet receive? Vaccinations should be started when your pet is six weeks old. Puppies will receive the DALPP vaccine, while kittens will have the FVRCP vaccine. Having your pet vaccinated will prevent the need for emergency vet care in the future.
  6. Can my pet go outside? If you’ve purchased your pet from a breeder or a shelter, they should be able to tell you whether or not your pet is suited for the outdoor environment. Some dogs and cats should not be left outside. If your pet is fully vaccinated (and they are an outdoor pet), then you can let them run around.
  7. Should I brush their teeth? One of the quirkiest pet health questions out there, but needs to be answered nonetheless. However, there is no need to brush their teeth. Instead, take your pet to a professional. Proper tooth care can prevent heart and kidney disease.

These are just a few common questions vets get about their pets, but you are always invited to ask other questions during you and your pet’s visit. More research here: