The Top Three Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

People often ask “Why spay and neuter your pets?” After all, it is a big decision to make, so there must be equally big advantages to make it worthwhile, right? The importance of spaying and neutering your pet must be clear, so here are three reasons you should visit an affordable spay and neuter clinic today:
1. It Prevents Diseases
One of the most clear and present reasons why you should spay and neuter your pets is that it can let them avoid serious illness. Neutering a male pet can prevent testicular cancer so long as it is done before they are half a year old. The prevention of cancer is reason enough to make folks consider the procedure, but be sure to do it early for the best results! It isn’t just about the pet’s personal health, however, because with more spayed and neutered pets…
2. There Are Fewer Strays
Why spay and neuter your pets? Simply put, it prevents them from producing unwanted litters. If you spay your cat, it won’t have kittens that you are not willing or equipped to take care of. This means there are fewer stray cats on the street and, in the long view, fewer animals that suffer from living alone outside and fewer kittens that are put down. If not for your pet, do it for the children!
3. They Live Longer!
Looking back to the personal health of your pet, spayed and neutered pets have been found to simply live longer than their un-spayed and un-neutered counterparts. Cats can live up to five years longer whereas dogs can live as much as three more years if they are neutered or spayed. Considering how precious our furry companions are, it may just be worth the cost! What do you think? Read more articles like this.